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Klik Ning Kene 1

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, ...

Klik Ning Kene 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, rhoncus at, convallis ut, eros. Aliquam pharetra. Nulla in tellus eget odio sagittis blandit. ...

Klik Ning Kene 3

Here's an mp3 file that was uploaded as an attachment: Juan Manuel Fangio by Yue And here's a link to an external mp3 file: Acclimate by General Fuzz Both are CC licensed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, ...

Klik Ning Kene 4

Some block quote tests: Here's a one line quote. This part isn't quoted. Here's a much longer quote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In dapibus. In pretium pede. Donec molestie facilisis ante. Ut a turpis ut ipsum pellentesque tincidunt. Morbi blandit sapien in mauris. Nulla lectus lorem, varius aliquet, ...

Klik Ning Kene 5

I'm just a lowly contributor. My posts must be approved by the editor.Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, rhoncus at, convallis ut, eros. Aliquam pharetra. Nulla in tellus eget odio sagittis blandit. Maecenas at ...

Posted by Unknown - - 1 komentar

Berikut saya bagikan tips untuk anda yang sering telat bangun pagi,sayapun juga begitu..hehe

Tips bangun pagi

1. Peregangan

Lakukan peregangan secara perlahan, seperti melakukan gerakan yoga atau memutar tubuh ke kanan dan ke kiri. Gerakan ini akan membantu tubuh mengumpulkan energi, dan membuat pikiran Anda fokus. Rasa melayang di kepala yang kerap terjadi akibat bangun terlalu pagi pun lenyap.

2. Bergerak

Begitu Anda mampu bangkit dari tempat tidur, lakukan beberapa gerakan untuk melancarkan peredaran darah. Melakukan crunch (berbaring dengan lutut tertekuk lalu mengangkat kepala, leher, dan pundak), push-up, atau melompat-lompat ringan, juga cukup membantu.

3. Hindari terlalu banyak Kafein

Kafein memang bisa membuat Anda melek sepanjang hari, namun mengonsumsinya secara berlebihan (lebih dari dua cangkir pada pagi hari) bisa membuat Anda lemas pada tengah hari. Satu cangkir saja sudah cukup membuat kadar energi Anda stabil.
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Posted by Unknown - - 0 komentar

Dulu sy sering dijewer guru. Stlh ke klinik tongfeng, sy tak pernah dijewer lg krn kuping sy dicopot

Awalnya, saya rajin sekali ikut TAWURAN. Tp setelah berobat ke klinik tongfeng, kini saya rajin LULURAN. Trim's tongfeng

Dulu, anak sy sering dihukum di depan kelas. Setelah ke klinik tongfeng, anak sy malah dihukum gantung. Trims tongfeng

Dulu teman saya ga mau masuk ekskul. Setelah ke klinik Tongfeng, skrg dia ga mau sekolah. Trims Tongfeng

Dulu saya susah tidur. Stlh berobat ke klinik tongfeng, sekarang sy gampang ditidurin. Trims tongfeng

Dulu, saya lemah dalam matematika. Setelah konsul ke klinik tongfeng, kini saya lemah syahwat. Klinik tongfeng, efektif!

Dulu saya takut kehilangan pacar. Stlh ke klinik tongfeng, pacar sy benar2 hilang. Trims TongFeng
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Posted by Unknown - - 0 komentar

Penemuan ini sungguh menakjubkan dan wajib dikaji lagi bersama-sama
“Kenapa dengan izin-Nya air tawar bisa menyembuhkan penyakit?”

Di Jepang, Dr. Masaru Emoto dari Universitas Yokohama dengan tekun melakukan penelitian tentang perilaku air. Air murni dari mata air di Pulau Honshu didoakan secara agama Shinto, lalu didinginkan sampai -5oC di laboratorium, lantas difoto dengan mikroskop elektron dengan kamera kecepatan tinggi. Ternyata molekul air membentuk kristal segi enam yang indah. Percobaan diulangi dengan membacakan kata, “Arigato (terima kasih dalam bahasa Jepang)” di depan botol air tadi. Kristal kembali membentuk sangat indah. Lalu dicoba dengan menghadapkan tulisan huruf Jepang, “Arigato”. Kristal membentuk dengan keindahan yang sama. Selanjutnya ditunjukkan kata “setan”, kristal berbentuk buruk. Diputarkan musik Symphony Mozart, kristal muncul berbentuk bunga. Ketika musik heavy metal diperdengarkan, kristal hancur.
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Posted by Unknown - - 2 komentar

Dalam bahasa sederhana Video Graphic Adapter Card mempunyai fungsi mengubah sinyal digital dri komputer menjadi tampilan grafik di layar monitor atau Kartu VGA untuk menerjemahkan output (keluaran) komputer ke monitor untuk menggambar / design graphic ataupun untuk bermain game. Kartu grafis yang dikenal juga sebagai kartu video ini merupakan bagian dari perangkat keras yang diinstal dalam komputer dan bertanggung jawab untuk rendering gambar pada monitor komputer atau layar tampilan sebagaimana penjelasan di atas.
Berikut Contoh 10 VGA terbaik 2012 :

1. Peringkat 1: VGA ATI Radeon HD 6870

GPU/Interface: Bus Interface : PCIe 2.1 x16, Core(s): Dual, Core Clock: 900 MHz, Max Single Display Resolution: 2560 x 1600.
Video Memory: Memory Clock Speed: 1050 MHz, Memory Size: 1 GB, Memory Type: GDDR5, Memory Bandwidth: 134.4 Gbps
Display Interface: Dual Channel DVI: 2 Connectors, HDMI 1.4a: 1 Connector, Mini-DisplayPort: 1.2 Connector, VGA: Supported.
Supported API: Directx: 11, OpenGL: 4.1, OpenCL: v1.1
Rendering Technologies Paralell Computing: Dual-Stream, Video Processing: EyeSpeed Technology, Multi Display: Eyefinity, Display Quantity: 6 Screens, SLI/CrossFireX: 6 GPUs, Cooler: Fan, Power Connector: 4 pin.
Harga: US$ 280.64

2. Peringkat 2: VGA GeForce GTX 580

GPU/Interface: Bus Interface : PCIe 2.0 x16, Core Clock: 1544 MHz, Max Single Display Resolution: 2560 x 1600, Max Power (TDP): 244 Watts.
Video Memory: Memory Clock Speed: 2004 MHz, Memory Size: 1.536 GB, Memory Type: GDDR5, Memory Bus Width: 384-bit, Memory Bandwidth: 192.4 Gbps.
Display Interface: Dual Channel DVI: 2 Connectors, HDMI 1.4a: 1 Connector, VGA: Supported.
Supported API: Directx: 11, OpenGL: 4.1.
Rendering Technologies Paralell Computing: Cuda, Video Processing: PureVideo HD, 3D Viewing: 3D Vision Ready, Multi Display: 3D Vision Surround Ready, Display Quantity: Multi Monitor, SLI/CrossFireX: 3 GPUs, Cooler: Fan/Heat Pipes, Power Connector: 6 pin / 8 pin.
Harga: US$ 519.99

3. Peringkat 3: VGA ATI Radeon HD 6850

GPU/Interface: Bus Interface : PCIe 2.1 x16, Core(s): Dual, Core Clock: 775 MHz, Max Single Display Resolution: 2560 x 1600.
Video Memory: Memory Clock Speed: 1000 MHz, Memory Size: 1 GB, Memory Type: GDDR5, Memory Bandwidth: 128 Gbps
Display Interface: Dual Channel DVI: 2 Connectors, HDMI 1.4a: 1 Connector, Mini-DisplayPort: 1.2 Connector, VGA: Supported.
Supported API: Directx: 11, OpenGL: 4.1, OpenCL: v1.1
Rendering Technologies Paralell Computing: Dual-Stream, Video Processing: EyeSpeed Technology, Multi Display: Eyefinity, Display Quantity: 6 Screens, SLI/CrossFireX: 4 GPUs, Cooler: Fan, Power Connector: 6 pin / 8 pin.
Harga: US$ 199.99

4. Peringkat 4: VGA ATI Radeon HD 5970

GPU/Interface: Bus Interface : PCIe 2.1 x16, Core(s): Dual, Core Clock: 775 MHz, Max Single Display Resolution: 2560 x 1600.
Video Memory: Memory Clock Speed: 1000 MHz, Memory Size: 1 GB, Memory Type: GDDR5, Memory Bandwidth: 128 Gbps
Display Interface: Dual Channel DVI: 2 Connectors, HDMI 1.4a: 1 Connector, Mini-DisplayPort: 1.2 Connector, VGA: Supported.
Supported API: Directx: 11, OpenGL: 4.1, OpenCL: v1.1
Rendering Technologies Paralell Computing: Dual-Stream, Video Processing: EyeSpeed Technology, Multi Display: Eyefinity, Display Quantity: 6 Screens, SLI/CrossFireX: 4 GPUs, Cooler: Fan, Power Connector: 6 pin / 8 pin.
Harga: US$ 199.99

5. Peringkat 5: VGA Nvidia GeForce GTX 480

GPU/Interface: Bus Interface : PCIe 2.0 x16, Core(s): Single, Core Clock: 700 MHz, Max Single Display Resolution: 2560 x 1600, Max Power (TDP): 250 Watts.
Video Memory: Memory Clock Speed: 1848 MHz, Memory Size: 1.536 GB, Memory Type: GDDR5, Memory Bus Width: 384-bit, Memory Bandwidth: 177.4 Gbps.
Display Interface: Dual Channel DVI: 2 Connectors, Mini-HDMI 1.3: 1 Connector, VGA: Supported.
Supported API: Directx: 11, OpenGL: 4, OpenCL: v1.1
Rendering Technologies Paralell Computing: Fermi, Video Processing: PureVideo HD, 3D Viewing: 3D Vision Ready, Multi Display: 3D Vision Surround Ready, Display Quantity: 3 Screens, Max Multi-Display Resolution: 5760 x 1080, SLI/CrossFireX: 3 GPUs, Cooler: Fan/Heat Pipes, Power Connector: 6 pin / 8 pin.
Harga: US$ 429.99

6. Peringkat 6: VGA ATI Radeon HD 5870

GPU/Interface: Bus Interface : PCIe 2.1 x16, Core(s): Single, Core Clock: 850 MHz, Max Single Display Resolution: 2560 x 1600, Max Power (TDP): 188 Watts.
Video Memory: Memory Clock Speed: 1200 MHz, Memory Size: 1 GB, Memory Type: GDDR5, Memory Bus Width: 256-bit, Memory Bandwidth: 153.6 Gbps.
Display Interface: Dual Channel DVI: 2 Connectors, HDMI 1.3: 1 Connector, DisplayPort: 1 Connector, VGA: Supported.
Supported API: Directx: 11, OpenGL: 4, OpenCL: v1
Rendering Technologies Paralell Computing: Stream, Video Processing: Avivo HD, Multi Display: Eyefinity, Display Quantity: 6 Screens, Max Multi-Display Resolution: 7680 x 3200, SLI/CrossFireX: 4 GPUs, Cooler: Fan, Power Connector: 6 pin / 6 pin.
Harga: US$ 330

7. Peringkat 7: VGA Nvidia GeForce GTX 470

GPU/Interface: Bus Interface : PCIe 2.0 x16, Core(s): Single, Core Clock: 607 MHz, Max Single Display Resolution: 2560 x 1600, Max Power (TDP): 215Watts.
Video Memory: Memory Clock Speed: 1674 MHz, Memory Size: 1.280 GB, Memory Type: GDDR5, Memory Bus Width: 320-bit, Memory Bandwidth: 133.9 Gbps.
Display Interface: Dual Channel DVI: 2 Connectors, Mini-HDMI 1.3: 1 Connector, VGA: Supported.
Supported API: Directx: 11, OpenGL: 4, OpenCL: v1.1
Rendering Technologies Paralell Computing: Fermi, Video Processing: PureVideo HD, 3D Viewing: 3D Vision Ready, Multi Display: 3D Vision Surround Ready, Display Quantity: 3 Screens, Max Multi-Display Resolution: 5760 x 1080, SLI/CrossFireX: 3 GPUs, Cooler: Fan/Heat Pipes, Power Connector: 6 pin / 6 pin.
Harga: US$ 259.99

8. Peringkat 8: VGA Nvidia GeForce GTX 465

GPU/Interface: Bus Interface : PCIe 2.0 x16, Core(s): Single, Core Clock: 1215 MHz, Max Single Display Resolution: 2560 x 1600, Max Power (TDP): 200 Watts.
Video Memory: Memory Clock Speed: 1603 MHz, Memory Size: 1.024 GB, Memory Type: GDDR5, Memory Bus Width: 256-bit, Memory Bandwidth: 102.6 Gbps
Display Interface: Dual Channel DVI: 2 Connectors, Mini-HDMI 1.3: 1 Connector, VGA: Supported.
Supported API: Directx: 11, OpenGL: 4.1.
Rendering Technologies Paralell Computing: Cuda, Video Processing: PureVideo HD, 3D Viewing: 3D Vision Ready, Multi Display: 3D Vision Surround Ready, Display Quantity: Multi monitor, SLI/CrossFireX: 3 GPUs, Cooler: Fan, Power Connector: 6 pin / 2 pin.
Harga: US$ 250

9. Peringkat 9: VGA ATI Radeon HD 5850ATI

GPU/Interface: Bus Interface : PCIe 2.1 x16, Core(s): Single, Core Clock: 725 MHz, Max Single Display Resolution: 2560 x 1600, Max Power (TDP): 151 Watts.
Video Memory: Memory Clock Speed: 1000 MHz, Memory Size: 1 GB, Memory Type: GDDR5, Memory Bus Width: 256-bit, Memory Bandwidth: 128.
Display Interface: Dual Channel DVI: 2 Connectors, HDMI 1.3: 1 Connector, Display Port: 1 Connector, VGA: Supported.
Supported API: Directx: 11, OpenGL: 4, OpenCL: v1
Rendering Technologies Paralell Computing: Stream, Video Processing: Avivo HD, Multi Display: Eyefinity, Display Quantity: 3 Screens, Max Multi-Display Resolution: 5760 x 1080, SLI/CrossFireX: 4 GPUs, Cooler: Fan, Power Connector: 6 pin / 6 pin.
Harga: US$ 229.99

10. Peringkat 10: VGA ATI Radeon HD 5770

GPU/Interface: Bus Interface : PCIe 2.1 x16, Core(s): Single, Core Clock: 850 MHz, Max Single Display Resolution: 2560 x 1600, Max Power (TDP): 108 Watts.
Video Memory: Memory Clock Speed: 1200 MHz, Memory Size: 1 GB, Memory Type: GDDR5, Memory Bus Width: 128-bit, Memory Bandwidth: 76.8.
Display Interface: Dual Channel DVI: 2 Connectors, HDMI 1.3: Supported, Display Port: Suppoerted, VGA: Supported.
Supported API: Directx: 11, OpenGL: 3.3, OpenCL: v1
Rendering Technologies Paralell Computing: Stream, Video Processing: Avivo HD, Multi Display: Eyefinity, Display Quantity: 3 Screens, Max Multi-Display Resolution: 5760 x 1080, SLI/CrossFireX: 4 GPUs, Cooler: Fan, Power Connector: 6 pin.
Harga: US$ 154.23

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